M.M. Rose school, Detroit, Michigan,1897. Now abandoned. I lucked in one day when I spotted a full dumpster outside an open window of the school. Climbed up over the debris and popped in through the window. Camera in hand ,but no flashlight and from the light emanating from the window, I could easily see into the basement from my 2nd floor perch. Yikes.!! Got off a quick shot of a nearby classroom at high ASA and left, with the intent to return with a tripod and a flashlight. Sadly, upon returning later a few times, they have sealed the window.
Inside one of the compartments of the grain bulker, Col. James. Schoonmaker, located at the Museum of the Great Lakes, Toledo, Ohio.
Major decay, bathroom located at the Ohio State Reformatory Museum, Mansfield Ohio, U.S.A.. This is the museum where the movie Shawshank Redemption was filmed.
Second floor of the Janos Magyar (Hungarian) church in the industrial Delray neighborhood of Detroit, Michigan
I guess that's it!
Saint Agnes Catholic Church, Detroit. Almost impossible to gain entrance to, but one day I just walked in.
The arrival. Niagara Power station spillway tunnel to the base of the falls. ISO 800, f/5 @ 1/50 sec.
If only it could speak. Upper floor ballroom of the almost abandoned Detroit Rowing Club. ISO 800, f/7.1 @ 1/25 sec.
Interior design failure. ISO 200, f/4 @ 1/2 sec.
Target practice. Canadian Transportation Museum, Kingsville, Ontario. ISO 800, f/13 @ 1/160 sec.
Fog at Marina gas. Cedar Creek marina, Ontario. ISO 400, f/8 @ 1/125 sec.